Ghost Player



Ghost Player is a video game company I created for a branding class. The company sells merchandise based on video games such as keychains, mugs, shirts, hats, stickers and buttons. Ghost Player is an online store and has one physical location in California. 

The logo features a happy ghost inside of a gold coin. Video game currency can have a variety of different looks but the base currency tends to be gold coins. Color wise I chose three yellow-gold colors as a way to reference the color of gold and to show depth within the coin itself. The ghost inside the coin represents the name of the company, “Ghost Player”. The term “Ghost Player” means, someone who plays a game and doesn’t have a gamer tag in other words they don’t have a name attached to their account, therefore they are a nobody, or rather they’re a “Ghost Player”. I also chose to put a ghost character in the coin because I enjoy designing characters and because I believe it would be more beneficial for the company to have a cute mascot to place on their merchandise. Most video games have a mascot to promote their game and to please fans of the game.







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